Monday, January 1, 2024

2024 Weight Requirements in Posts

This year I have a weight requirement on swaps. I didn't have one in 2020-2023 (and didn't host much before 2019, actually, so I wouldn't have needed it.) In 2024, it's time.

The weight rule is being specified because of issues with previous year's swaps weighing much less than the swap required. 

If you agree to a swap, please make sure your item meets or exceeds requirements. 


In previous years, I would specify a 1 ounce swap, but other swappers would receive maybe .3oz (including the envelope.) 

This is just an error sometimes! You can often fix this by just messaging a person and asking questions, before launching into demands and accusations. For example, "Hey, I got this swap. The requirements were near 1 ounce but it came with .5oz. Could you send the other .5oz please?" as opposed to "I got the swap and the requirements clearly say it's supposed to be 1 ounce. You didn't even send HALF of that. I'm rating you low. Apparently you can't be bothered to check." (Y'all, chill out. It isn't that serious. If it doesn't work out with the other user, just message the host. We're here for a reason?)

I had one swap where someone messaged because my envelope only weighed ~.6oz. I weigh them before they leave, but it looks like my scale needed to be replaced. I got a digital scale, not a postage scale, after that. A postage scale is fairly* accurate for how many ounces something is, used for mailing, like I'd done for the Etsy + Ebay shops until 2020. No problem! But a digital scale can calculate grams and portions of an ounce, being much more accurate. A resend was easy. No big deal.

To avoid this whole thing, swaps that are 1 ounce/1 stamp swaps that are 'random items' may specify a 'finished weight.' That way one person doesn't send 1oz and get .4oz back. It also keeps users from sending messages like "This swap was 8oz but I got 7! The envelope weighed an ounce!" That's why I write things like, *when fully packed* you should be paying the 8oz postage amount. The expectations are up-front for everyone. No confusion and less chances of accidentally upsetting someone.

For example, it'll say that 1 stamp = 1 ounce maximum, but the minimum is .85oz when the envelope is sealed. Everyone pays the expected 1 stamp price and doesn't get too little in return.

Swaps where a specific item is listed, such as my ATC or art swaps, they generally cost 1 stamp but of course, one ATC + notecard (NC) will not weigh the same as the next. It is unreasonable to have a weight requirement on that type of swap.

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